In 2018, Spike Elliott, a PCSO from Cheshire began noticing issues while hiking, after being diagnosed with Osteoarthritis he had both of his hips replaced in 2020/21. After attending the PTC, most recently in March 2022, Spike is well on the way to recovery, read his experience of the PTC here.
Following Spike’s diagnosis and subsequent surgeries, Spike attended the PTC to take part in the two week Physiotherapy course. Whilst here, Spike benefited from Gym work, Pilates sessions, Aquafit, Balance and Leg classes. He mentions that all of the classes helped greatly and after being placed on moderate duties for three years, he is now back fighting fit and on a full shift pattern. He even commented that he can “put my own socks on and do my boots up”!
Alongside the obvious leaps in recovery achieved through the expert physio program, Spike also mentioned that the Attitude from all of the staff at the PTC was second to none and is massively grateful for their support and encouragement throughout. Upon returning to work, Spike no longer suffers with a limp and can walk in a straight line, whish is useful for a PCSO!
Following Spike’s stay at the PTC he has offered his services volunteering to be a PTC Ambassador. He will also be taking part in the Nijmegen Marches in the Netherlands this July, testament to the character of Spike himself and the physiotherapy support that he was able to access through the Police Treatment Centres.